At the office of social affairs, you can file an application for a student ticket refund
due to:


  • Social indigence (acute financial difficulties which do not allow one to pay for living expenses, as well as the semester fee)
  • Free travel eligibility in the VRR region
  • Leave of absence
  • Semester abroad
  • Medical reasons which make one unable to use public transport
  • De-registration


Depending on the reason for application, different documents are required. Please note the following deadlines:

Applications for the winter semester: Documents must be submitted in full by 13. Feb.!

Applications for the summer semester: Documents must be submitted in full by 14. Aug.!



If you want to apply for a refund, please make sure to check the following lists for your
specific case and submit all needed documents in due form. If you have any questions, feel free to email us beforehand at

Once you have collected all required documents (everything in PDF format), contact us by email with the request for a link. The social department will then send you your personal link and a password.

Following this link you will find your application and you can upload all additional required documents securely. Old application forms are no longer accepted.

Please note that a 14-day deadline for uploading all documents begins when the link is provided. If you have not uploaded everything by then, you will have to submit a new application.
If you have any questions about the required documents, you can send us an email.


Please note that we do not have the capacity to send out confirmation emails for receiving your documents. However, if there are any questions regarding your application, we will get back to you.

Application processing generally takes a maximum of 4 weeks, after receiving all required documents. If after this time you still did not receive a refund, please contact us so we can check your applications status.

Shortly before and the month after a new semester, there is an especially high number of applications coming in, so please keep in mind that this might affect processing times.


 Lists of required documents by cause:
Please do not submit your documents directly by email, instead upload them under the provided link (see red text above).
Please submit all documents in PDF format.

  • Completed application (including a list of typical monthly earnings and expenses)
    You will find the application form in your folder. The link to this is available on request (see above).
  • Certificate of study of the semester for which the application is filed
  • Double sided copy of HHU card
  • Lease, if you pay rent
  • Bank statements of the last 3 months (official bank statements, in chronological order, preferrably from online banking, but no screenshots)

    Please enclose a personal statement if larger amounts of money were withdrawn, deposited, received or transferred. Likewise, for smaller payments if they add up to larger amounts, or amounts of €50 or more, where it is not clear whether these expenses were necessary (e.g. clothing, drugstore purchases).
    Reimbursement for social need is intended for those in need. The easier we can understand your finances, the better the application can be evaluated.

  • Completed application (please mark reason for application on the form)
    You will find the application form in your folder. The link to this is available on request (see above).
  • Certificate of study of the semester for which the application is filed
  • Double sided copy of HHU card
  • Evidence of free travel eligibility
  • Disabled persons‘ pass (including supplementary sheet with token), in case of severe disability
  • Completed application (please mark reason for application on the form)
    You will find the application form in your folder. The link to this is available on request (see above).
  • Certificate of study of the semester for which the application is filed
  • Double sided copy of HHU card
  • A confirmation of your leave of absence from the SSC (available after semester start)
  • Signed legal notice
  • Completed application (please mark reason for application on the form)
    You will find the application form in your folder. The link to this is available on request (see above).
  • Certificate of study of the semester for which the application is filed
  • Double sided copy of HHU card
  • A confirmation of your stay abroad (by the university, Erasmus etc.)
    Your exact duration of stay has to be evident on the document
  • Signed legal notice
  • Completed application (please mark reason for application on the form)
    You will find the application form in your folder. The link to this is available on request (see above).
  • Certificate of study of the semester for which the application is filed
  • Double sided copy of HHU card
  • A certificate of study or confirmation of your employment due to your thesis/employment
    Your exact duration of stay has to be evident on the document
  • Signed legal notice
  • Completed application (please mark reason for application on the form)
    You will find the application form in your folder. The link to this is available on request (see above).
  • Certificate of study of the semester for which the application is filed
  • Double sided copy of HHU card
  • Medical certificate stating you are not able to use public transportation
  • Signed legal notice



  • Completed application (please mark reason for application on the form)
    You will find the application form in your folder. The link to this is available on request (see above).
  • Certificate of study of the semester for which the application is filed
  • Double sided copy of HHU card
  • Confirmation of de-registration by the SSC
    (the refunded amount will be based on the date of the stamp on your de-registration certificate)
  • Signed legal notic
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